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6,688 people have guaranteed their spot
AI Powered Tailor-made CV
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Our AI CV captures your potential

Bamble’s AI provides the CV you need
Automatically, in seconds!

Our AI CV is effortless, timesaving and impactful. Bamble’s AI showcases your professional potential and aligns with your career goals.

Matches your goals

Represents who you are

Transforms your old CV

You are 70% more likely to get hired if you use
Bamble’s Career Co-pilot

Get hired by top companies worldwide

Be the best

Our AI CV elevates your profile and showcases your potential

Pass ATS Filtering

Your profile is revamped to show your qualities and job skills

Recruiter Verified

Guaranteed by recruiters to secure interviews for you.

3000+ Jobseekers are using Bamble’s Career Co-pilot

We help job candidates


Free for first 100,000 users!

Landing your dream job costs the same as paying for Netflix!

€7.99/fixed price

What you get:

Ready within seconds

AI-Powered Job Specific CV

Optimized for ATS Screening

International Recruiter Approved

Part of amazing communities

Free for first 1,000 users!

Create your CV 10x faster with AI

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